Discipline Committee
This committee will oversee the general discipline of the College and Hostels. Any violation of the college and Hostel rules will be discussed in
the committee and proper disciplinary actions will be there of.
Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary Action can be initated and implemented with regard to any student at any point of time by the Discipline Committee on the following grounds:
- Non attendance of classess or practical as per college norms.
- Violation of college / Univesity rules and regulations.
- Non payment of college dues.
- Consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, alcoholic drinks and smoking on the campus.
- Entering the campus after consuming alcoholic drinks, narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.
- Committing vandalism / violence inside or outside the campus.
- Misbehaviour / disrespect to the teaching and non - teaching staff of the college.
Ragging is prohibited
Ragging in any form is a very serious criminal offence. Any student / Students found indulging in this activitiy will be summarily expelled from the college and a criminal complaint will be lodged with the police. (Reg.Govt. Order No. 31787/K3/2006/SS/Higher Education (K) Dept. 21/11/2006.
Use of mobile phone in campus is prohibited
As per the court verdict and instructions issued by the kerala Government and Mahatma Gandhi University, students should not bring mobile phones into college campus. Using mobile phones inside the campus (not only in the class room) is a serious offence and will be treated with strict disciplinary action. If anyone is found doing so, the phone will be seized and will be returned only after six months.
Partisan, politics demonstrations and campaigns of any kind are not permitted in the college. Unauthorized meetings, propaganda, processions or fundraising are forebidden.
Notice Board
- Important notices pertaining to the class schedule, attendance, assignment submission dates, examination dates, projects, guest lectures, seminars etc. will be displayed on the notice board from time to time.
- Make it a habit to read, understand and follow the instructions and directions given in the notices.
- No excuse of not having read the notice will be accepted.
Admission Norms and Collection of fees
- College fees will be collected at the beginning of each semester. Late payments will be accepted with fine within 10 days from due date. If the fees and fine are not paid before the last date given for payment of that semester, the name of the student will be removed from the rolls of the college with effect from the date following the
expiry of the period. If the student is readmitted he/she will get the benefit of attendance only from the date of admission. A. readmission fee will be imposed on those who fail to remit the fee in time.
- The name of defaulters will be published on the notice board immediately after the expiry of the last date fixed for payment.
- Fee once remitted will not be refunded.
- The caution deposit will be refunded only after the completion of the course after the deductions if any, even if the student discontinues the course.
Identity Cards
All the students will be provided with identity cards. Students are expected to wear the identity cards while in the campus and during field trips. They should produce the identity card on demand for inspection by any member of the staff. Fine will be imposed on those who fail to produce the identity card on demand. If the card is lost. A duplicate card can be obtained on payment of Rs 150/-
College Uniform
The College uniform is compulsory for all. Students are expected to wear the uniform during field trips, examinations and other special occasions as instructed by the Principal. Fine will be imposed on those who fail to wear the uniform.